Not necessarily academic interests and hobbies

Everyone has to have hobbies, right?


I enjoy streaming over on on a regular basis. It’s a nice way for me to catch up with friends on a regular basis while playing games and chatting with an audience. I am a variety streamer, and I usually stream games I’ve never played before with friends, I invite my Voice Acting friends to dub a game, or I just play through games I’m familiar with for viewer entertainment. More information about what I’ve played can be found in the ‘About’ section of my channel.


Here is my strava profile. Since I started college, I’ve taken up running and come to really enjoy it. During the winter I usually have to run around a track, but it if warms up enough I enjoy going for running adventures, which are usually logged on Strava. In 2019, I had a resolution to run a half marathon, and this year in 2020 that resolution has doubled into running a full marathon before the end of the year.


I have been doing various voiceover gigs, including eLearning Narration, commercial work, and character acting, for a little over two years. My voiceover website is presently under construction, but will be linked here when complete! You can find my Voiceover CV by clicking here!